According to Scripts and Discourses received by Revered Dadaji, there is one God who is eternal. But before God became there was, is and will continue to be for all eternity the “Source of All Sources” which is the Source of even God and all that exists currently and will be created in the future. Dr. Mehta described this “Source of All Sources”, at different times as the “Source of Sources”, the “All-Pervading Nothing” and “Spaceless Spaciousness.” This “Source of All Sources” has been mentioned in the various major religions of the world, and has been given different names in different religions as follows:
- In the Vedic Scriptures, it is called “Sarvanum Akarnum,” which literally means the “Causeless Cause of all Causes”
- In the Scriptures of Zarathustra, it is called “Zarvane Akarne,” and means the same thing as explained in the Vedas. Note the similarity of the two names.
- In Judaism, it is called “Ein Sof,” which means ‘Without End’
- Since the New Testament is an addendum to the Old Testament, it follows that Christianity also accepts the term “Ein Sof” even though it is not mentioned in the New Testament.
- In Buddhism, it is called “Antim Shunyata” which literally means the “Ultimate Zero.”
- In Islam, this same state is called “Fanaa” or “Baqaa”
Within this Source of All Sources, energy, for lack of a better word, started concentrating on a point. This was the first implosion. When the point could not absorb any more energy, it began to vibrate and still the energy kept on pouring onto the point, and when the concentration of energy reached beyond the point’s ability to contain it, the point exploded. This was the first explosion. It is through this implosion and explosion within the All-Pervading Nothing, which is the source of everything, that the Word of God emanated, and through a series of six implosions and explosions the Word of God finally stabilized. The seventh explosion is still going on. These seven cycles of implosions and explosions are referred to metaphorically in the Bible, where it is stated that God created the world in six days and on the seventh day He rested.
The Word of God is mentioned in various religions. In Hinduism, it is called “OM,” which according to the Vedas is the “Soundless Sound” of the Word of God. In the Scriptures of Zarathustra, it is called “Ahura Mazda”. In the Bible, according the Gospel of John “In the beginning, there was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” In Islam, the Word is called “Allah”, and in Sikhism it is called “Naam,” which literally means “Name”.
After the Word of God emanated from and within the Spaceless Spaciousness, the All-Pervading Nothing, it eventually stabilized, and then, through a series of implosions and explosions, four beams of Spiritual Light emanated from the Word, and formed what Revered Dadaji referred to as a “Quartard”. However, one of the beams of the Quartard was unstable and, because it was unstable, due to the force of the explosions it separated from the Word, which is its immediate source. The other three beams of Spiritual Light remained linked to the Word, but the fourth beam fell far away from the Word, their immediate source, and took a turn in a direction which is opposite to the movements of the other three beams of Spiritual Light which remained linked to the Word and will do so for eternity. Thus, what was originally the “Quartard” became the Triad, the Holy Trinity, which is mentioned in all world religions of which, Zoroastrianism and Hinduism are the oldest.
This unstable beam of Spiritual Light, which was part of the Quartard but separated from the Word, is still indirectly linked to the Word through the All-Pervading Nothing which is its ultimate source, and, even though it fell away from its immediate source, the Word, it is sustained by its ultimate source, the All-Pervading Nothing. The All-Pervading Nothing sustains the fourth beam, not through the Word, but through a process that cannot be described in human thoughts and language. However, because the unstable fourth beam of Spiritual Light fell far away from its immediate source, the Word, and took a turn which is opposite from the direction of the remaining three beams which remain linked to the Word, this fourth beam of Spiritual Light developed characteristics which are opposite to those of the three beams of the Triad and became dark. Thus, this fourth beam of Spiritual Light became the anti-Divine and Satan came into existence. The three beams of Spiritual Light, which form the Triad, maintain their spiritual integrity and continue to grow and will do so for eternity. This is because they remain linked to the Word, their immediate source, and are continuously energized through the Word by their ultimate source which is the Source of All Sources.
As a result of revelations received through Dr. Mehta and recorded in various Scripts and Discourses, the Society of Servants of God (SSG) teaches that in order to prevent this fourth beam from falling indefinitely away from its source, the Word, Jesus the Christ was asked to descend to hell and establish a foundation beneath hell so that it would not fall further away from the Divine. Also, according to Scripts, the High Soul that incarnated in the human personality known as Dr. Dinshah K. Mehta accompanied Jesus when he descended into hell, in order to help systematize hell after it stabilized. The SSG also teaches that hell is a plane of being where the state of consciousness over which Satan governs is so stifled that free will, as we experience it on earth, is absent. According to Dr. Mehta, it is impossible for human beings to even imagine the kind of suffering that is experienced by souls in hell.
As mentioned above, the three beams of Spiritual Light that form the Triad or Holy Trinity, remain linked to the Word of God and are being continuously fed by the Source of All Sources, not directly, but through the Word. The Word of God is also being continuously energized by the Source of All Sources. Dr. Mehta referred to the three beams of the Holy Trinity as the “Creator”, the “Sustainer” and the “Re-creator”. These three beams of Spiritual Light have been personified and have been given various names in different religions.
- In the teachings of Zarathustra, they are called Asha, Vohumana and
- In Hinduism, they are called Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, who is also known by other names such as Mahesh and Rudra.
- In Judaism they are called Raphael, Gabriel and Michael or
- In the New Testament, they are referred to as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
It is the Holy Trinity that creates and sustains all of creation, and when the balance between Truth and untruth in manifestation is upset in favor of untruth nearer the spiritual level, the Re-Creator aspect of the Holy Trinity descends closer to the plane of matter and restores the balance between Truth and untruth in manifestation. Revered Dadaji explained that as far as creation is concerned, collectively these three beams of Spiritual Light are God. However, God, who is the Source of the Word out of which these three beams of Spiritual Light emanate, is in a spiritual plane which is beyond the Holy Trinity and the Word.
The SSG teaches that a sub-principle, also in the form of Spiritual Light, emanates from each of these three principles or three main beams of Spiritual Light. The three sub-principles or beams are relatively smaller than the main beams, and have also been personified, but have been given female personalities. Thus, in Hinduism the sub-principle that emanates out of Brahma is called Saraswati, the sub-principle that emanates out of Vishnu is called Laxmi, and the one that emanates out of Shiva is called Parvati. These sub-principles have been given different names in other religions.
Because these sub-beams are the source of what are considered to be female traits, and because they emanate out of the main beams of Spiritual Light, it is mentioned in the Bible, as a metaphor, that Eve was made out of Adam’s rib. These sub-principles, together with the three main principles, are depicted in what is known as the “Star of David” or the “Shield of David.”
Dr. Dinshah K. Mehta described the three aspects of the Holy Trinity as beams of Spiritual Light. Spiritual Light is totally different and is not to be confused with physical light that emanates from the sun and stars which, unlike Spiritual Light, is made of matter.
As these beams of Spiritual Light that make up the Holy Trinity, radiate outward from the Word, into the Source of All Sources which is the All-Pervading Nothing, they are also being continuously fed by the very Source of All Sources through the Word. So, on the one hand the three beams of Spiritual Light are being fed through the Word and are radiating outward from the Word into and within the All-Pervading Nothing but, after they have travelled a certain distance in a straight trajectory within the All-Pervading Nothing, their outward linear movement is blocked by the very All-Pervading Nothing which is feeding them. So, the All-Pervading Nothing, which is feeding the three beams of Spiritual Light emanating from the Word, also becomes a barrier and prevents the beams of Spiritual Light from continuing forward indefinitely in a linear fashion.
Therefore, because the three beams are being fed continuously through the Word by their ultimate source, the All-Pervading Nothing, and because they are also blocked by the same ultimate source, their Spiritual Light cannot continue to move in a straight line. So, their linear trajectory takes a circular turn, and that circular turn is in the clockwise direction. This is the first circular turn within the All-Pervading Nothing linked to these beams of Spiritual Light. However, because these beams of Spiritual Light are being continuously fed by the Source of All Sources, the All-Pervading Nothing, the momentum of their circular motion also continues to increase. As the momentum increases, the clockwise circular movement of these beams of Spiritual Light encounters increasing resistance at the periphery of the circles from the All-Pervading Nothing. As a result of the resistance from the All-Pervading Nothing, the periphery of the circles of Spiritual Light developed serrations. Since the Source of All Sources is all-pervading, these serrations are also penetrated by the All-Pervading Nothing and, due to the continuous feeding by the Source of All Sources, as the momentum of the clockwise circular movement increases, the serrations became larger.
At this stage, due to the resistance which they encountered from the All-Pervading Nothing, the serrations at the periphery of the circles took a turn in the direction, which is opposite to the circular clockwise movement of the three beams of the Triad. Thus, this second circular turn within the All-Pervading Nothing is counter-clockwise and is linked to the Triad which comprises the three beams of Spiritual Light. This counter-clockwise movement of the serrations is distinct from the opposite turn taken by the unstable fourth beam of Spiritual Light which took a turn that is opposite that of the three beams of the Holy Trinity and became Satan.
As mentioned earlier, the three beams of Spiritual Light that form the Holy Trinity, the Triad, are being continuously fed by the All-Pervading Nothing through the Word and will continue to be fed for all eternity. Due to the steady flow of power from the Source of All Sources, the momentum of the clockwise circular movement is increasing continuously and will continue to do so for eternity. Thus, the Holy Trinity began to evolve within the All-Pervading Nothing, and this clockwise movement of Spiritual Light is the source of spiritual creations. But the counter-clockwise circular movement, which is at the periphery of the circular motion of the three beams of Spiritual Light, began to involve within itself, and through that involvement, the bright Spiritual Light became dark Spiritual Light. By further involution through a process that, according to Dr. Mehta, cannot be described in human thought and much less so in human language, the dark Spiritual Light became transformed into dark material or physical light and manifests as black holes that are in the cosmos and which can be observed by astronomers. It is through the black holes that the spiritual Source of All Sources continuously feeds and sustains the physical universe, which began after what astronomers refer to as the “Big Bang”. And the physical universe is still expanding.
As a result of revelations received by Dr. Dinshah K. Mehta, the SSG teaches that all black holes are not the same. There are evolving black holes, stabilizing black holes, and devolving black holes. It is through black holes that dark physical light, which is made of matter, gets transformed to bright physical light. The concentration of matter in the black holes is so great that astronomers conjecture that one teaspoon of matter that is contained in black holes can weigh several tons on earth.
When matter which is the dark physical light of black holes implodes, and when the concentration of the imploding physical dark light reaches the maximum, beyond which further concentration of the physical light is not possible, then the dark light explodes into what astronomers call quasars. It is through exploding quasars that the dark physical light of black holes gets converted to bright physical light which then condenses into nebulae, and the nebulae later condense into suns and planets which form the various solar systems. One such solar system is the one within which Earth and we exist.
If one will observe the movements of galaxies, one will see that except for a few, all of them are rotating in a counter-clockwise direction. Earth rotates on its axis in a counter-clockwise direction and also revolves around the sun in a counter-clockwise direction. This counter-clockwise direction and the process of dark Spiritual Light becoming dark material light is symbolized by some ancient religions and cultures in the form of the Swastika. The Swastika has been a sacred symbol for thousands of years and unfortunately has fallen into disfavor in some countries because it was desecrated by the Nazis during the short period when they were in power.
Up Next: Origin of Biological Creation